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Writer's picture: Jean MagnesJean Magnes

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

After twenty-plus years of being a devoted mom, daughter, sister, and semi-devoted wife (I lack in the cooking department), I and my BFFL, who is currently settling into working a couple of days a week, are on our own.  The girls are off (not like they ever spent much time hanging around the house), but having them away at college leaves home a different place.  On one hand, it's delightfully peaceful, and I can do my own thing to my hearts desire (I rarely grocery shop anymore and cooking...well that's been discussed). On the other, it's eerily quiet.  We were always the "go to" house...forever "adopting" stray friends who would stay for so long that we began to think it necessary to set up additional college funds (how else would we get them to leave?)  But now they have, and my house is cleaner than ever (I even put dividers between my 100+ v-neck t-shirts, but that's a whole other blog!) This, my friends, is about new beginnings and the idea that it is never too late to start. In my mid-fifties, I'm beginning anew; I'm building a spec home. I've wanted to flip (not flop), considered vacation rentals, and I've heavily involved myself in helping my daughters furnish and decorate their college apartments (good grief, this sounds awful to put in writing!) For as long as I can remember, I have loved home decor and design.  I even wanted to drop out of my dental hygiene program and major in interior design because the pre-med science classes were busting my chops.  But, my parents insisted that I not give up and try hiring a tutor. Well, I managed to hire, sight unseen, the most handsome pre-med student to help me find my way to getting all A's and B's. (;  My career in interior design was no more, and life went on.  My passion for design, however, never wavered and I've spent 30 years educating myself through watching my mom (who worked in interior design!) and watching countless home-makeover programs on HGTV, including every episode of Fixer Upper at least 2-3 times over.  I know how to install a fence (thanks to Lowe's, "How-to"videos), lay tile (actually did my own), and work at countless DIY projects as my hunger to improve my home has been insatiable.  It is exhilarating to pursue dreams.  Just as it was when the kids were little, my floor is now covered with a new kind of "clutter."  I have tile samples strewn from hither and yon, paint decks spread aside the various tiles as I struggle to decide between warm white and cool white and cool gray or warm. There are plans and spread sheets, bids and receipts...and the budget!  Oh my gosh!  That just stinks!!!  But- let me say to anyone who is getting past the 50 yard line-- don't stop.  Run!  Create new plays-- play the game, live your life, and go for gold.  I never would have dreamed that I'd be building my first spec home in my mid-fifties.  But, thanks to the support of my amazing man (who is staying completely out of it!), and some connections to some wonderful people in the trades and construction, it's a go.  This nearly 3000 square foot new build is being constructed.  It, along with my pride, my emotional health, and my overall well being, are developing each and every day.  While my daughters step onto the threshold of the rest of their lives... so am I.  I understand I am vulnerable to failure, but I believe I have the wisdom, and the faith, to fear less and go boldly.~ J


August 25, 2018...

Isn't she pretty?

So meet my "Daisy-Spec" house, named after our 14 year-old fur baby. This picture is not all that old, yet it tells me I need to remember to snap a new one! The roof is on, the concrete porch has been poured and the walkways and driveway are prepped (if only the rain would go away!) Inside, dry wallers are finishing up. Next week, if Mike shows, (; PAINT! Mike was supposed to be painting at my house almost two months ago so I'm allowed to give him some grief! I believe the hardest part about building is keeping things on schedule. Not that I think anyone is sitting around eating bonbons, saying, hmmm... I think I just won't show up at the Daisy project today-- it's just that business of expecting someone, and then they aren't there. Keeping things at a good pace is definitely a challenge.

So, here in Waunakee, WI, real estate sells. The schools have a really good reputation and the area just seems to be a sweet pocket of growth in the Madison area. For building-- the negative is the cost of land. For someone wanting to build a spec home, the land cost is a big chunk of change. Add the increased cost of wood-- and wowza... new builds may not be the way to go for investment purposes. On to flipping?

Don Tierney has developed many of the communities in Waunakee and he does a beautiful job. He includes parks and pools in each new community and installs trees along all of the streets. Down the road from the Daisy spec, a new park is planned within walking distance. And these parks are nothing like the "parks"of 40-some years ago! They look like Spiderman's playground-- super cool. The other direction, is the neighborhood pool-- also within walking distance. These neighborhoods are great places to raise a family... I know, as we did so in one of his earliest communities- so blessed. I'm glad we found a piece of land for the Daisy-spec in one of these communities. The lot itself turned out to be a gem. While directly out back, there is another home, there is a breathtaking view from much of the house: a wide-open green space with an old, red barn off in the distance just to the west. I had no idea our elevation would be such that we would have such an amazing view from much of the house. I had originally wanted a larger lot in another part of the community but it sold, forcing me to look further. How God works!

Daisy, while transitional in style, leans toward the popular Madison craftsman style. The front sidewalk will march straight down to the street rather than across the front toward the driveway. Her color will be a very pale gray and her trim will be white, surrounding white windows. I really had hoped to put black windows in a white house but those darned black windows are so much more expensive. Grrr! And the whole budget part of building a spec house...(or any house for that matter)! But now that I have rethought the exterior, I couldn't be happier. The roof color has tones of brown and gray. The front door and shutters will be a punchy brown to match my rust colored (punchy) metal roof over the garage windows. There is stone along the lower half with all earth tones including some brown and gray-- can't wait to see if it ties it all together as I planned. To finish, all of the light fixtures will have an oil rubbed bronze color. I will say-- color selection is SO stinkin' hard. You are often selecting from this tiny sample (and I even searched online for hours to view large photos of everything I selected), and when it gets installed-- it is not always as imagined. My metal roof is exactly the case in point! But, it's all good. My metal roof had a bit more "punch" than I had planned. In a way, it will probably be a blessing because I tend to lean toward super subtle colors. Now, I will adjust my paint/stain on the door and shutters so they will really pop, which pushes me out of my comfort zone. I think it will look great! Anyone who knows me, knows I am a yellow-house girl. I love yellow (buttercreamy yellow). My own home is yellow-- I've heard that people call it the "wedding cake house." (I'm going to assume that's a compliment?) (: All I care is that I have good feelings every time I round the corner and see my house. I never stop loving it nor long to live in something newer. And let me say, the inside is just as yellow as the outside! I have yet to become tired of the color, and I don't think I ever will. But, for building a spec home, I thought it better to go neutral. I found a gray home that I just love, and I let that be my inspiration. I can hardly wait to see with my eyes, what I've pictured in my mind. My final thoughts about the outdoors, of course, are landscape. Again, anyone who knows me, knows my passion for landscape. I became a master gardener years ago. What did I learn? How little I know! It is an immense field of study, delving into plant disease, anatomy, and so forth. I don't think we even touched on design! Add the dreaded "budget" to this, and for me-- it is torture. I know what I love: hedges, and boxwoods, and fountains-- more of an English garden. For this house, I have to switch gears a bit. I will go for some columnar evergreens aside the windows up by the garage, work in some river birches with evergreens out back, and since spring, I have been babysitting a slew of Costco bushes (already saving!) that will offer a pop of color in the fall. Lastly, I envision grasses! That is something I don't have much of at my house-- but for this spec home-- I think they will look great. I also bought a porch swing for the front porch and some planters for the front door. Things are behind schedule, but hook or by crook-- those planters will be filled, even if it is with evergreens for the winter! The porch swing, of course, will be brown(er). I have to repaint it to add my "punch" of brown color, since what I picked was b o r i n g... (; More photos will follow as the days will come when I get to see how my itty-bitty samples materialize in a "big" way. Thank goodness I didn't decide to contrast my shakes with my shingles or I'd really have something to stress over! Fingers crossed! ~J

Daisy (; Loveeee her!



We're here, where are you?

Ah, the waiting game continues. I have loved the experience of building this first spec home. Every part of the process has fulfilled my passion to learn, grow and create. Every part... but the waiting. My front hall is filled with boxes holding lights, sinks, faucets, and more. And my yard is officially a "nursery!" We could just paint our house orange and put a Home Depot sign out front and I think we could supply just about everything! I am SO ready for this week. Last week, not a single sub stepped foot on the property. I take that back... someone picked up some concrete slabs and extra stone from behind the porta-potty. Otherwise, we are on hold. I was told the carpenters would come back over to do interior work when it rained (I'll spare you the vision of my pleasantly plump figure hopping in the night against the backdrop of the moon calling for the rains to come)... and they are! So hopefully my framers will come off the other job and spend some time back at the ranch! So the waiting is the frustrating piece of this process-- no doubt. From there-- so cool! I learned how to install a water-proof subfloor in the bathrooms called Schluter's Ditra. Since I don't have a whole heck of a lot going on at the house-- I thought I'd share a little about Schluter Ditra uncoupling membrane, tilers, and trying to get tile people to change their ways... Ha! Meet our bffl, Chummy.

He came to help me with the first Schluter-install and after I had watched about 15 videos about installing Schluter Ditra according to their specifications... I quickly learned that you can not tell anyone who lays tile to change their way! Chummy and I finally determined that the only way he would follow the Schluter rules was because it made me happy--not because it was necessary. Mind you-- I get it. As I had Chummy sealing my tub edge with this water-proof, 20 dollar tube of sealant-- he pointed out that any water that didn't get through my crack would probably find its way to the basement through the vent a few inches away :). Thank goodness he survived me! I felt like the worlds most annoying back-seat driver EVER! But a quick note about Schluter Ditra. That orange waffle material covering my floors is a plastic material called Ditra. It is really a cool idea to help your tiles from cracking in the event there is slight movement, or settling, in the house. The Ditra is an uncoupling membrane that separates the plywood floor from the tile so that should the house settle-- the membrane will separate the floor from the tile so they are not broken. The debate of the day came with regards to the idea of waterproofing. Can Schluter Ditra (not the shower system) for floors truly be waterproofed if the "glue" or the thinset is not waterproof. I spent over 100 dollars alone on a product called the Kerdi band intended to seal all the seams and along the walls. This is necessary to maintain the warranty by "following the Schluter rules (and as our friend says- line their pockets)." Well, this smiling friend wanted to make me happy, so he was complying with the rules, but he certainly let me know that you cannot have a leaky "glue" (the thin set) and expect the waterproof band to keep water from getting through. UGH! So one-thousand dollars later (in materials), the Ditra is installed! I can't help but ask if I (and a whole lot of others) was caught up in a very clever marketing scheme that has a different product for every nook and cranny (bands, corners, all set, sealants, oh my) that you have to buy in order to get their warranty? Overall-- I like the idea behind the Ditra uncoupling membrane-- just not loving the waterproofing aspect. So, I told you about "tiler" #1. Meet tiler #2: I go to Home Depot because when you install the Ditra membrane, you need to meet specific recommendations for thinset. You use modified thin set between the wood floor and the Ditra (it contains a polymer) but you must use unmodified between the Ditra and the tile. Now, darn-it-all... that really stinks because the unmodified is really junk. When you shop for modified thin set, there are various strengths-- including for large tiles to help keep them from sagging. I made the mistake of telling tiler #2 about my Schluter install and he insists Schluter is a waste and walks me over to show me the Hardiboard for my next tile install. Good grief! Chummy had to head back home, and in comes tiler #3 who is going to lay the tile tomorrow. Well, he took one look at my bags of unmodified thin set and disgust covered his face. Now my waffles are already filled with unmodified thinset so that part is a done deal-- but now I have yet another surly tiler who is dissatisfied with the status quo as he is not pleased with the idea of setting the tile with "garbage!" (Not the Ditra- the unmodified thin set). Enter future tiler #4. I have tiled my backsplash in my own kitchen and if I don't say so myself-- I did a GREAT job. But in the future, I WILL install a tile floor somewhere, and I will use my 2 rolls of leftover Schluter, and 3 rolls of Kerdi Band (rookie mistake) and I am going to splurge and buy Schluter ALL SET (can use on top AND bottom)! I guess it's all about experience. Each of the guys who have put down a lot of tile have learned what works for them. I have no experience so Schluter can lead the way. I want to take advantage of my 15 videos! So the Daisy Spec has Schluter Ditra floors and will have a shower that is decked out with Schluter Shower System. Hopefully this week will not be so slow and by the end of the week, I can share pictures of the floors as they should be tiled and the wood should be installed by Friday. Fingers crossed! ~J


Losers Like Me…

September 26, 2018. If you are a receipt loser, or a loser of papers in general, I may have discovered the perfect app for you!

Organization has never been my strong suit. I’ve wanted it to be, as evidenced by the 500 + bins I have purchased over my lifetime. I have taken photographs of every pair of shoes we owned and taped it to the front of shoe-sized plastic boxes so they could stack up on the shelves and be identified from below. It looked impressive—but it didn’t last. I’ve tried various files to retain receipts for about as long as I can remember. Do you think I have EVER found a receipt when needed? Just today, I called Pottery Barn to order new pillow inserts for the back sofa cushions that Daisy is determined to sleep across and crush. The woman on the other end of the line had the audacity to ask if I had the receipt for the sofa! In my dreams could I step over to a filing system, open a folder, and flip through a few receipts to pick one out. That’s why I think I like shopping at Costco so much…“Do you have your receipt?” Me: “No.” And they look it up and actually give me CASH back! Their return policy was designed for people like me.

So I read about an app called Sortly which helps you inventory things. I am going to tell you what—if you have a business where you are making purchases (in locations which vary from barns (seeking the good stuff for home design) to online purchases where you never truly get a receipt, or even for when you get a receipt)... You need this app. All you need to do is take a picture with your phone. Hit next (up at the top right corner). Enter in how many you purchased and the price for each one and create a "tag" or identifier for the purchase. This was huge for budgeting while building. For example, I bought all the lighting for the house and had it shipped directly to my dining room (; So-- as I purchased each item, I snapped a picture of it online, entered the payment info, tagged it, and voila! Later, as I have tags from landscape items, to tile materials, to lights, to farm sinks—I can enter in the tag (category) name (or if I used multiple tags, for example by room), and search accordingly by looking for what I have and what I’d spent. Later, when I want to share my design elements with someone—I look so incredibly put together (and cool) as I whip out my phone and share photographs of various selections I’ve made for the house. It has been an incredible find for someone who has a wad of receipts in her purse, wallet, floor of the car, desk, and sadly—some that have simply blown away in the wind, never to be seen again. And, you can have multiple categories within Sortly! For example, my husband has a large (go big or go home type) collection of sports memorabilia. I don’t know whose signature is on what—let alone who that person is! I began to photograph pieces from his collection and later, sat down with him to get the needed info about what he has. This is an important task because while I think I have an idea of how much he has invested in his treasures…I know I really have no idea. He probably doesn’t even know himself. To take the time and inventory these items, have photographs, cost, and a little information is really important for insurance reasons, etc. So, you can put business-related activities, home-related activities, school, and more, all in one place! I’ve been working with Sortly for about 6 months now, and I decided it was time to buy their upgrade so it can be shared across my devices. God forbid should I lose my phone and all of that data. As I was doing so, the offer was made to save it to Evernote. Never heard of it - Googled it, and of course, I neeeeeeed it because now, I can put all my important pieces of information in one tidy place-- in notebooks! Evernote is like the Pinterest of information you want to hold on to. You can put pull documents into a notebook, along with photographs, websites, etc. I’m a big one for using the bookmark on my Mac because I always think I’m going to go back and read something later (and never do). Then I have to clean it all out after a couple of years (or decades) like a junk drawer! With this app—just maybe, I will have a tidier “junk drawer.” TBD. Sortly is fantastic-- I would even recommend it for someone who is trying to itemize and/or budget! You can photograph a receipt right away and tag it as to what the expenses were for-- and at the end of the month, you can pull up the amount spent via the tag. Don't forget that Sortly will connect to Evernote so your information can be shared! I love it! And as for Evernote-- I have now completed 4 notebooks where I have safely tucked multiple notes and files in each. I can hop on any device and have the information at my fingertips. This is good stuff. I don't need any TBD on Evernote-- If they have a stock option-- I'm in! ~J


October 1, 2018

The Dating Game...

The Dating Game...

Have you ever sold a home?  I don't think it matters whether it is your home or a home you build;  there is a pride and love for the places we call home.  Well I now have an analogy I liken to selling a home!  Dating! But more like on The Bachelor kind-of dating.  You have people looking at your home while they are looking at multiple others, and when you don't get the response of, “ you're the one," it stings!!  I have had a few people through the Daisy Spec, and while I may have the place completely finished in my mind-- it is completely... NOT... finished.  There are no cabinets, counters, light fixtures, trim, doors, sinks, faucets, etc.  Outside-- the siding isn't even up.  It's like a girl without her makeup!  So of course, this all helps me to justify why someone might not utter those words-- "I'll take this one." 

But, what if, when the house is done, and it is everything that I envisioned... what if others don't pick it?  I was pondering this today, and all I could think of was The Bachelor orThe Bachelorette!  (Yep-- another thing that is sort of embarrassing to actually put into words!) I just love exposing the silly things that run around in my noggin.  But, yes-- that is officially what is going through my head when I think of when selling a home.

You can take it so personally, you can feel dejected, and maybe even feel as though your house isn't pretty enough or just isn't good enough.  But, what if... what if, it has nothing to do with YOUR home?!  Today, for example... a lovely lady from California came through the house.  I normally wouldn't be there for a showing but one of the subs conscientiously LOCKED the door when they left so the house was not open for the agent and her buyer.  I got the call and ran over to open the door for them, and of course, I thought I'd tell them a little (hah-- me say a little) about what was coming.  As I was chatting away, the California lady pulled out her phone and started to scroll through and share a few pictures with me, saying: "you mean like this?"  She had photographs that depicted the barnwood I was using in my mantle and hood surrounded by beautiful white cabinets.  Having no idea what she would say next, I said, "oh yes-- just like that!"  Well, she went on to tell me that the photographs were from the home she currently lives in and JUST finished remodeling before learning they were moving.  So, case in point, here is a client who will surely love a lot about this home.  But, she may end up picking another.  Why?  Was it because my home wasn't good enough?  Did she not like it?  Was it not perfect?  Of course not!  There are problably 10 lovely homes that she went trooping through this afternoon!  At the end of the day, the client will choose the house that she likes best and feels will best suit her needs.  It doesn't mean my home is not amazing and wonderful-- it just means that another was a better fit. Just like The Bachelor! I have watched the show faithfully the last few years and find myself wanting to hug the cryers who have been sent home--- and assure them (well, some of them) that it has nothing to do with them, and that there was just another relationship that was working better!

I know I say this often-- but we dearly loved a woman who often said, "That's why they make chocolate and vanilla icecream."  Someone will come through my Daisy Spec (probably when she has a little more "make-up" on) and think she is the most delicious flavor ever.  I think she is perfect, and I have faith that someone else will too.  Fingers crossed! ~J


October 5, 2018

Today, rather than write-- I am just going to share photographs showing

some of the progress being made at the Daisy Spec:

Let's start outside!

Outside is a very soft shade of silver gray. The front will have a mix of shakes and shingles in the same color. The roof and the stone have mixes of brown and grays to tie the various colors of the front door, shutters, siding and lighting into a cohesive look. So far, so good!

Out back-- the deck!

We went with black railings so they didn't dominate the view, and the entire deck is made from low maintenance/ no maintenance materials. It's a perfect spot to spend the afternoons watching the sunset (or the attached screened porch might work) (;

Next stop is the kitchen. The hood on the far wall is not installed yet, but it will be white shiplap with barn wood edging at it's base. Above the 9 foot island, 3 chrome pendants will hang- they are beautiful! I added cabinetry where you sit at the island so there's almost 9 feet of extra storage! The sink isn't in-- but it is a beautiful stainless farm sink with a curved apron. While at the sink, you get the best of both worlds. You can look out the window while cleaning up or visit with family and friends at the island or off to the family room. It solves the great debate of a sink at the window or in the island!

The granite is named White Ice-- a beautiful blend of white, beige, and shades of gray. Initially, I wouldn't go with White Ice because slabs usually have rusty spots scattered throughout. This slab, however was completely "spot-free!" It was love at first sight! The White Ice will go in the kitchen and in the master bath while the laundry and Jack and Jill bath will have either Carrara or Quartz. I had picked a piece of Quartz (shown below) that I really liked but they were not sure if I would be able to have it. So my eyes then wandered onto a piece of Carrara (: I'll be happy with either. The shop will let me know which will be mine.

The floors before they were covered!

The wood floors run through out with the exception of the bedrooms and bathrooms (oh and laundry/mud rooms) I briefly snapped this photograph while checking in and am so glad I did because I have not been able to set eyes on them since! It's just not fun to have all of this beauty covered until the end! My patience is being tested!! I know dark wood floors were "in" and now the pendulum is swinging, and lighter wood is working its way into popularity. I wanted to stay as "trend-free" as possible and put in a medium brown wood. I have seen these in a home and just loved them. I hope they remain timeless-- that is my goal for this home!

quartz selection for the Jack and Jill

This is the pretty selection of quartz I had made for the Jack and Jill bathroom-- now I just have to wait and see if it is available. If I don't get this piece, the Carrara will be beautiful. In that bath, the cabinets are painted a soft gray, so I wanted to have a nice bright white surface. Either selection will look wonderful! Cannot wait for these counters to arrive! These are a major factor toward finishing a room! I feel like a little kid a few days out from Christmas. I could design a "Builder calendar" fashioned after an Advent calendar! I wonder if after building a dozen or so homes, if this ever gets "routine?"

A few bits of tile

Some of the tile included in the design are shown above. The piece right up front is a subway tile in a very soft and subtle "greige." With the white cabinets and the activity in the granite, I wanted to keep the tile soft and subtle for the backsplash in the kitchen. This should do the trick! The patterned tile (above-center) is for an accent wall in the half bath above a wood vanity. There is no counter for that vanity-- the style is simple wood with a raised square sink. It has a contemporary style and the wood will be sealed with polyurethane to help maintain the wood. I'll post a few more pictures later-- there is so much more to share! The building process has been very fulfilling-- I have really enjoyed the design process and seeing the Daisy Spec house come alive. Very blessed to have found a new "job" that is so much fun! ~J


It's getting real!

Let the details begin

This is when it gets fun. I thought this whole process had been amazing... but seeing all of my ideas come to fruition is simply the best. The cabinets were installed last week. The hood came on Friday and our wonderful friend, Chum came in to do some tile work today. I love seeing the various elements come together. For the most part-- the house is super simple and clean. The master bathroom will be the surprise package as far as adding an unexpected bit of pizzaz.

In the meantime, the house has the exact feel I had hoped for. It is contemporary, and clean, while warmed with medium-dark toned wood floors, and barn wood accents. Above is one bank of cabinets in the kitchen showing off Eddie's (Kickapoo Custom Kitchens) beautiful cabinetry work. It's hard to express the quality work that this Amish family puts into their cabinet work. I wanted shiplap for the hood-- and Eddie created his own. Nothing prefabbed for Eddie's work! Then I brought him this rough and tumble piece of barn wood and I know he was thinking, "what the heck am I going to make with this?" He did a light sand and sprayed conversion varnish over it-- it looks beautiful. Speaking of conversion varnish-- this is the product that serious cabinet makers use. There are two components you mix together before spraying and it hardens quickly, but it is there to stay-- no chipping with this product! The counters are a granite called White Ice-- and the tile was a very soft "greige" subway tile. I could not be happier with how the colors are coming together!

Next stop is a sneak peak into the guest bath. I wanted an accent tile behind the sink. (What sink? It's coming!) This is the "floating" half-bath cabinet Eddie made for me. I LOVE what he did. It has a chunky top and at the end (only those who are seated on the toilet will notice) he pieced over 50 pieces of wood together so it looks like the end of a butcher block. He's an amazing craftsman. The sink is a small square 5-inch tall sink that will sit atop the cabinet. My original plan was for the faucets to come out of the wall but the plumber missed that detail on the day of roughing in, and I didn't have the heart to ask him to redo it! In hindsight-- I think it was a blessing because tiling around those holes would have been awful! Anyway-- so far, I am loving the look.

Lastly-- I have two showings this week. My gut tells me this house will sell. Part of me wants to keep it. I know I can build another-- but I really do love the lot! This is a wonderful home (I know I might be biased here) but seriously! I just love this space and the location. This has been an amazing experience... starting with an idea... a dream... and making it happen. Now, where my lot stood, stands a home... a beautiful home waiting for a family to come in and create amazing memories. Don't need to cross my fingers on that one. ~ J


The Details!

Trying to take pictures without capturing some of the junk still sitting in the front yard while they finish up is a challenge-- so snippets it is. What I am excited about here is the front door! I had kept what I call a "soft" color palette for the house and wanted to bring a nice deep earthy brown for the front door and some of the remaining details. Ernesto came and stained the front door with a gel stain-- amazing how he can get it to look like wood! Now, I have to find a paint to apply to the shutters that will compliment the door. We are making our shutters out of LP SmartSide trim. This will make for durable shutters-- but they will need to be painted. And finding the right paint was no easy task! The wood on that darned door looked a different color (in a matter of minutes) as the light changed. First I saw more red, and later I saw less. Thank goodness the shutters will be a short distance from the door! When you have the color right-- it just works. However, if you put the wrong color on, for me- can't stop looking at it. So-- I will tell you, I picked the color on the angled card to the right, in the deepest hue. Phew! In hindsight, it looks easy-- but with the light, I was having a healthy debate with myself! I just love having another piece of the puzzle put into place. I can hardly wait for the front porch posts to be wrapped-- AND for the shutters!! Oh, and the landscape! Yes, it is November and I am still trying to get the landscape in. Talk about cutting it close (if I am"cutting" it at all)! The siding people didn't show up for an entire week-- (of sunny, beautiful weather)! All of the material sat in the front yard so instead, our landscaper is working down the road today... at someone else's house...INSTALLING SOD! That sod could have been ours... but nope. This truly is the only thing I do not like about this new line of work. The painter didn't show this week-- the carpet people didn't show today-- the siders blew it off for an entire week last week... It never ends. Tomorrow, I have a second showing and I desperately wanted to have the fireplace complete and the carpet installed. UGHHHH! So I'm grinning and I'm bearing; that's about all I can do. In the meantime-- gifts have been unveiled each day. Such as appliances! YAY! It has been like Christmas every day.

All of the lighting is in, all of the appliances with the exception of the microwave (next week)! Carpet is supposed to get installed tomorrow... painter on Monday?? And the screened in porch next week. SO CLOSE!

So close and yet so far...

The built-ins on each side of the fireplace were made by Eddie, our superhero carpenter. It has been very cool getting to spend time out at Eddie's shop. He is Amish and lives on an amazing piece of land about 90 minutes west of us. He has a lovely family who works together and they are true craftsmen. The center section was built onsite by Ryan-- our other superhero carpenter, who together with Superhero Rod, pretty much built the entire house. I'm anxious to get the finish coat on so we can have an unveiling! Also-- that paper on the floor!! Cannot wait to get that off! I am picturing this room with some creamy-white- slipcovered furniture and a cool rustic table... If I didn't love Craig so much, I would move right in! He did say we could make it work and we could drive up the street to visit each other... but what would everyone think? We really do get along and have a happy marriage! Moving into this house would definitely put the whole happy marriage thing into question!

A little peak at bathrooms. Yes-- that is grout in the tub-- helping to seat it for a day or two...

The first photo is of the Jack and Jill bathroom. I have a large white rimmed mirror to be hung in there. This came together so well! To the right you would find the tub and toilet area. This is a great space for kids to share! I did not end up getting the slab of quartz I had hoped for but the marble I was able to buy from Wisconsin Granite is just beautiful! With the soft gray cabinet (thanks Eddie!) and the awesome, fun hexagonal tile... I am in love. In the center photograph, is a portion of the master bath. It is a wonderful master bath-- super spacious and light and bright. It is my bling room. And lastly, the half bath-- a creamy barn mirror-- yet to be hung. This room showcases another piece of Eddie's craftsmanship. This photograph doesn't capture the cabinet, but Eddie's floating, modern-style cabinet is so beautiful. I think I had mentioned earlier-- on the side, instead of allowing it to be a piece of wood simply running along the edge... he glued and clamped 50 small pieces of wood at the end so it would look like the end of a butcher block. It looks amazing!

Mudroom/laundry- yes please!

I couldn't help but add one last picture of the mudroom/laundry room just inside the garage door. They have the most amazing tiles that look like wood... so I selected a tile with a white barn-wood look. Add my "Jean" chandelier and it is perfect. (; Seriously-- this space is wonderful. Across from the cubbies is another bench with hooks above. Across from the washer/dryer is a shelf with drawers running the length of the shelf. This is a wonderful space for all of the dirty work! I don't know how it can get better than this.

So, tomorrow, the guys will come to install carpet in the bedrooms and by the end of next week, it should be a done deal. If the second showing goes well? I'm not sure if I'll laugh or cry. I am not ready to let go of this place (a true sign of a newbie). But-- on the bright side, if I want to move on to my next project, I have to let go. Lord knows I don't really need a second house (unless it is on a beach... somewhere warm-- I might need that)! I hope someone loves this house as much as I do. I truly have visions of little feet running upstairs to the bonus space and family gathered around the wonderful island. This space will make a wonderful home for someone. What a blessing it will be... no need to cross my fingers on that one. ~J


Winding down... or are we?

Oh happy day!

The long awaited... landscape! Yessss! Just to see that soil moved around and a bit of green up by the house- ahhhh! So, I have been told that "we don't landscape spec homes." Maybe a lot of builders don't, but not on my watch! I understand I may have some landscape issues (as in a hoarding sort of way) at my own home-- but what I put around the house seemed to be completely reasonable. It really warmed things up. The inside is close to being done (pictures below)! I love it. I made a last minute change on the exterior that I think is going to look better. We had planned on gable brackets for the peaks above the small windows up top. The pieces are painted and ready to go but Im thinking they will look too heavy. We also plan to have bat and board shutters. I felt that given the small area, there would be too much going on. So out with the brackets! In the meantime, I'm not going to give up hope for some sod for the front yard. Yes, Eric did call me today to tell me that they had to quit for the day because the ground was so frozen that it was too labor intensive to dig plants in with pick axes. :/. UGH! We have two days this week that might get into the low 40s. Will it be enough to get the sod cut and brought out? I doubt it-- but hope springs eternal. The siding is not yet done. And the screened porch is not yet done. But-- all is good. I believe that things happen for a reason. We had two very interested parties. One, even made an offer. Bummer was that it was not a good offer... I'll just leave that at that. But, anyway, just prior to my first open house (and the offer), Robb and I had sat down to discuss the finances for the house. While I know he thought I would be the one to blame for going over budget... it turns out that he was the guilty party! I only blew it on the landscape budget (which I wasn't given to start with so how can I be wrong?). Anyway, we had already started to gather bids and to plan to move our work down to the lower, walk-out level of the house. And so it goes- Daisy will be taken off the market for a couple of months while we roll up our sleeves and "go big." After reviewing the comps-- it makes sense to finish the space. I felt like we were sitting in a "comp-less" zone with the way we had finished this house. We made her bigger than the average 499,900 home with the addition of a screened porch along with a deck, and we finished above the garage, adding great bonus space. Then, in order to offer a walk-out basement, we had purchased the pricier lot. This left us in some interesting territory; there really wan't much that was similar to compare it to. So-- the additional 1450 + square feet in the basement will take the house to 4200 + square feet, 6 bedrooms (or 5 and an office)-- a fantastic 450 foot bonus space, upstairs, 4 bathrooms and one half bath. Yep-- it is usually my husband who is the "go big or go home" person in the family... but in this case-- I am taking the prize. I will have the house re-listed in February, 2019. I will get a tv installed and furnish that family room so I can enjoy this time we'll have together (: The fun goes on as we continue to hammer it out (pardon my pun!) at the Daisy Spec. A few more pics!

At last the wood floors are uncovered!

Just a few more...

I am thankful for the wonderful feedback during the open house. This beautiful home, with the soon to be added space and being listed as we come into spring, will find the right buyers. I think that is why we ran behind schedule-- the right family isn't here yet, so God is putting us on hold (: To be continued...

See you in February! ~J


The Best-Laid Plans...

I am just going to add a short blurb here about the best-laid plans. Forget them. Whatever you think is the way to go... may not be what the big man upstairs has in mind. Time will tell- because right now, as the basement is under construction, there may be yet another change in my plan to finish and relist the house come February. Read my last couple of sentences in the above entry (I think that is why we ran behind schedule-- the right family isn't here yet, so God is putting us on hold). Yesterday, I received a message from a lovely mother-to-be who is interested in the house-- very interested. I'm not sure if she will come back on the blog--but if she does... Hi! I'm writing about you!! If you scroll up to the very top of my blog-you'll see it is titled, "Building New Beginnings." Well this mother-to-be is doing exactly that, in many ways. She is exuberant in her communication as she is stepping into a new and beautiful chapter in her life. I have just loved talking to her about her life and about the house because she loves it-- maybe as much as I do! It sounds like the home is built as though she were to design it herself. What more could I ask for?! So, the glitch? The basement that they probably would not have finished right now! The best laid plans...

I am meeting this lovely family at the house tomorrow and we will have to see where this goes. I have already decided two things: One-- and this is the big one... I want this family to find their perfect home, whether it is mine or not. Two-- I am so grateful that God sent me someone who loves my house as much as she does. Whether it turns into a home sale or not-- I could not feel more appreciative and grateful for the affirmation I have received from her words. I have gotten some really nice feedback about the house but this potential buyer speaks my language! She notices everything that I notice! So rewarding! So just meeting this potential buyer for my Daisy house makes me wonder if we ran behind schedule for a reason... the right family wasn't here yet? I know this is yet "to be determined," but when I looked at my final entry and saw what I last wrote, along with my speaking to this potential buyer yesterday and today-- I found the entry eerie- in an awesome way! We may think we have the best laid plans, but I think we have to have faith and know that those plans might need to change. TBD. Fingers crossed ~J


And Again... March 2019

I love new beginnings

Instead of creating an end to the post above by getting into details that the Daisy Spec has since sold and is now the home to THE lovely family it was waiting for, (yes- the exuberant mother to be!)... I will just reiterate that I love new beginnings! We did finish out the downstairs adding an awesome bar area, 2 bedrooms, and two bathrooms, leaving the total square footage to just under 4300 square feet. I have to get the final calculations because we strayed from the plan and moved some walls around to expand some spaces (; With that said.... I'll start with yet another, "new beginning" spec home. This new build will be the Bucky Spec. (Yes, I am going down the list of the most loved dogs!) I've had over a month to lounge, clean out closets, and contemplate what is next. While I truly believe my future holds at least one vacation rental property, this beautiful lot, at the top of the hill, tells me another build is calling my name (; Even more convincing is that another offer was already on the table when I placed mine... but the other buyer let it go, and my offer has been accepted. It's just beautiful! You can't really appreciate the elevation, (I was in the car shooting from below a massive snowbank) but this location has a wonderful perch on top of Kilkenny Farms. I can't believe I get to spend the next 6 months creating a beautiful home on this hilltop. My mind is already racing with exterior colors and roofing options... I have learned that while many things work way too slowly in the building process-- I will need to have those exterior finishes selected post-haste! It's not so much that the siding will go up quickly as it is about the roof! And to pick the roof, I have to know the siding and the stone!! I didn't want to let go of the Daisy Spec-- she was a home that I would want to live in... every single detail was to my taste and I just loved that house. But-- finding a family who can build a life and create their own home is really what this is all about. So, I hope I can find ways to make this next build unique and equally beautiful to help another family find their happy home. I'm thinking of a darker exterior and lighter wood flooring with wide planks. Work on the foundation will begin in about two weeks so I'll have some time to ponder. It's easy to think ahead and hurry the process though. I did that throughout the Daisy build. I had the whole house built in my mind before much had even begun! This time, I'm going to try to slow my mind and spend a little more time in the present. I'd like to stop and enjoy where I am at a little bit more instead of looking so far down the road. I don't usually travel that way... in the moment. I tend to have my mind on what is ahead so this might be a challenge! In this moment, I am thankful. I feel like what this photograph looks like. It says it all... today is beautiful and I am so darned lucky because I just bought this beautiful piece of land for yet another new beginning. ~J


In the Moment... 12 hours later...

Beauty can begin on the outside!

Okay, so my mind may be racing a little, but I'm not looking too far ahead (; Let the exterior finishes begin! The house will be sided in a deep gray called Seaport. (The lighting is off in this photo giving it a slightly brown color.) The white will be the color of the shakes, which I swore I'd never contrast, yet here I am! Shakes will line the section to the front left and the section on the garage front to the right. These clean, white shakes will compliment the white trim around the windows and the garage doors. In the upper corner of the photograph, is a charcoal gray metal sample. This will be used on the small roof above the windows in the garage. The roof sample can be seen above and below the white siding sample. The colors are black, light gray, dark gray, and some flecks of brown. To the lower right corner, the stone I selected is a field stone with white, gray, tan and a bit of wine. The colors of this house make me feel happy. They are not the soft relaxing colors of the Daisy Spec-- these colors will pop. Now, trying not to get too ahead of myself-- I see a light brown in the stone that I am thinking will inspire my front entry.... maybe a light stain and beyond, through the doors, a lighter floor? Just a thought... I'm going to stop for 12 hours and enjoy the moment (; ~J I'm coming back in here to enter that these colors were changed a few times before I settled on what I wanted! In future photos, you will see I was not so bold after all between my shakes and my shingles, and I got the two front doors instead of sidelights that I have always longed for, and the stone! I love the stone I picked! Stay tuned (:


Wow... the second child...

So I have had two kids, and building this second home is reminding me of that feeling I had when I realized how differently I captured moments from the first time round to the second! This home, the Bucky Spec is well underway and here I am, just putting up my first photos! The floor plan is similar to my last build but some changes have been made. I love this layout and am crazy about the location. The lot rests at the top of the neighborhood and the views are just beautiful. We put the home on an angle to maximize the views because as with any subdivision, new homes will eventually fill in. The colors will be medium/dark gray with slightly contrasting weathered shakes. I took the bold move and contrasted my shakes and shingles-- just kidding! They are not a true match but they almost look like they are. This time, two front doors with half paneled glass will welcome you in. The glass has a wave to bring about privacy. We added some space to the middle of the house to expand the front office and the family room. Lastly, the basement has one less bath but an incredible theater room in addition to all of the recreational space. I love building. Recently, however, I am getting my first taste of a renovation as I am working on renovating my sister's home in Illinois. I think that has a lot to do with the second-child "neglect." I am splitting my time between the two and the renovation feels more intense. You blink an eye and the wrong thing comes out (or doesn't come out) and the scramble to accommodate begins. With the new build, the plan is set... everything has to be built and scheduled... there is more of a timeline and fewer surprises! I'm not sure yet which process I like better. The rewards are tremendous in both cases. With the renovation, the transformation of space is incredible. We have gone from dark panel, 1960s mustard flooring, dark cabinets to all new. Since it is a surprise, photos and details will have to wait until my sister is able to come home when her health is restored. With the new build, it is a complete creation. I am using some similar design ideas in this second build-- working with barn wood and shiplap... but I am creating a different feel using lighter colored wood flooring. (Didn't go as light as I had planned as every color looked too yellow!) I am designing a new hood for the kitchen, and putting in a stained cabinet base on the island rather than a painted base. I've also put in cottage windows in this home... They have a slightly different feel than the Daisy Spec-- the jury is out on which I would choose should I do it over again. Have to wait for the drywalling this week. I love this line of work. It simply cannot get old. Each project is different and each brings challenges and special rewards. I will post a few more pics and say goodnight! While this line of work does not get old, I am feeling as though I am! Need sleep!!

okay-- like I said, "second-child" syndrome... these posts are right off the MLS, not edited! Sorry!


One day at a time and silver linings...

I want to write of the joy this project has brought but this time around has been tough. My sister has had health issues in Illinois and I have had to be away... a lot. I'm a silver-lining kind of person so I keep trying to find that silver lining. I have been able to experience a renovation (her place in Illinois) which was cool! I absolutely loved seeing a 1950s ranch transform into a beautiful updated space, and I still love everything about this new build. But being able to take your time and savor life is simply missing at this time. Every time I sit down to write a bit about the Bucky Spec, there is a heaviness, because I can feel the difference in how I feel between the two projects. The thrill of soaking it all in and enjoying each step has been dampened as I have been balancing my time between two places. So, let me find my silver linings. First is that I have the strength through Christ to get through. It is very difficult being a sole caregiver, dealing with, not only the health concerns, but, the emotional fallout that comes with insurance, care facilities, and more. Add to that other "fires" we have been trying to put out! UGH! But, as my dad would say, we pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and move forward! Silver-lining number two: My sister's home renovation is done! I am probably going to have to put in a handicap ramp... but she has a beautiful surprise waiting for her when she can come back home. Silver-lining number 3: I LOVE the Bucky Spec! Everything is coming together beautifully. I love the two-door entry! I love the siding color and the stone is my favorite! I am in love with this layout and with this house! Again, there is this hoarding feeling that I'll just keep it if it doesn't sell! Absurd! First of all, I feel so confident in the sale of this home. The location is fantastic and the house is just beautiful. I've learned from past experience that once it is finished-- someone will love it! And, how absurd that I would even think it would be reasonable to keep another home! Geez! It is truly a beautiful place though. I am so excited about the pending finishes... I can just see it all coming together! Another silver-lining: I am getting comfy and learning! I guess this is the same as building confidence. I love being sure of decisions and confident in what I am doing. So while this has been a tough time, there is still so much to be thankful for. The road has been rough but things are still working out! All good (; Sometimes you just have to take it day by day, and while a journey may not have been as you had hoped, you find the silver-linings and feel thankful.


Feeling good!

2407 Kilarney Way is nearing completion! I love this house! With its southern exposure, it is light and bright! Tiling is coming along-- the master is next to be tiled, and then cabinets are coming later this week! The wood floors should be complete by Monday and I am in love. All of the countertops are quartz other than a beautiful granite bar in the basement. I'm so excited to see this come together.


What a great day!

Spent the day out at Eddie's at Kick a Poo Cabinets where he and his boys are making these beautiful cabinets! I love going into his shop and seeing all of the beautiful cabinetry coming together. The place is brimming with his family, some old enough to work by his side and others peering over the edges of the counters to watch the hustle and bustle. I can't imagine having anyone but Eddie and his crew make the cabinets for my home. They are true craftsmen! So above are photos of the kitchen island (on the left) color. I went with a stain called Spanish Oak for the island to add some contrast to the kitchen. The quartz I picked is front and center. I LOVE it! The veining is soft and once I saw it, I knew it was the slab meant for the kitchen. To the right is an end cabinet for the rest of the kitchen cabinets. All of the uppers and lowers will be white and again, I will have a subtle subway tile for a backsplash that will pick up some of the gray (and hints at beige). I have a beautiful marble tile I picked out as an accent for above the gas stove. I am so excited about this kitchen!

Above are some samples of what will be going on in that 14 foot basement bar! Again, the cabinets are on the left-- we went with the Spanish Oak stain color. The granite, front and center, is just beautiful! I wanted to go with a rich, masculine look for the bar area. The space is open and airy so having this beautiful massive bar will really make a statement.

And above you can see our beams being cut, one of many warehouses filled with "good stuff, and the family heading out after pulling nails from a pile of boards! You can see stacks of barn wood throughout the yard in addition to what is in the warehouses! When you enjoy using barn wood on a project, this place is the best (Rudy and Alma Beachy)! It's a hike out there but always fun when we get to stop in at Eddies and the Beachy's in one day! Soon, I'll begin experimenting with what finish I'll put on the barn wood to find a color that will compliment those floors! I've already decided to leave the mantle silvery to go with the gray stone fireplace! Can't believe I forgot to take my photo of it! Next time (;


Finding balance...

Above are my two most recent photos of the exterior of the Bucky Spec... The photograph of the front was taken during a work day so please pardon the mess!

I'm recently coming to realize the importance of finding balance. Having someone dear to you become ill can be all much so that your own life can become derailed. Finding balance, forcing yourself to walk away to preserve some sort of normal, I believe, is the only way to keep things moving in a positive direction for all. So today, I'm going to do some of what I love... focus on this beautiful home. I am truly in love with this place. I am going to start from the top down... Upstairs, the bonus space is HUGE! I love that we pushed the space open all the way to the front of the garage so there is an extra window to brighten the room. The expanded closet size will also be wonderful for storage! (these changes were made after the original plans were done so they are great improvements (:

The carpet, called clam shell, offers versatility as it has the blend of gray, beige and cream. This will fill the space and extend down the stairs. On the landing, there will be a floating desk with two wall sconces and an outlet where one can plant themselves near the hub of activity in the kitchen to do some schoolwork or whatever. This landing was so oversized that I could not resist the opportunity to create some useable space... Having raised two kids, I well remember them wanting to be nearby-- yet preferring they not set up camp at the island! This might offer the best of both worlds!

Once on the main floor, a warm medium wood colored engineered hardwood flows into the main living area. I had planned on a light wood but could not seem to find something that didn't look yellow to my eye, so this was my pick. I nabbed a photo but it's limited as photos are not easy to catch because they paper over so quickly to protect their work!

The photo to the right shows some of the detail a little more closely. Again, I want to avoid trends with color as much as possible and the middle ground seems to be consistently a good color! Next up? Cabinets!

The island has an earthy brown stain while the rest of the cabinets are crisp white. Add to this the high end quality quartz I was able to obtain for the counters (upper right corner) and I think this kitchen is going to be gorgeous! I loved those counters and could not believe I could get them to work within our budget! The soft gray will tie in with all of the stainless (including the beautiful farm sink) appliances and the white will simply be beautiful, clean and modern. My goal when designing is to combine a clean modern look with some rustic finishes... Thus-- the next stop... the fireplace!


So you can see the custom cabinets and the beginnings of one of the rustic accents I love to add. This hand hewn mantle still needs to be cleaned so don't look too closely! I have a couple of hours a scrubbing to get it to where it needs to be (: This fireplace will be a simple wall of soft gray stone with this simple barn wood accent. There is a possibility I will stain this piece after the stone is up, but I loved the silvery gray color and want to first see how it looks with the stone. I can't go back once the stain is on, so we are going to have to pause with the mantle until I get the full view! While it looks a little rough now, I just love this wonderful charactered piece!

The basement bar is just one of my favorite features. It is truly massive. I love the flooring. EVERYONE loves the flooring (so far anyway!) and the granite is SPECTACULAR. Now I love quartz all day long but give me a beautiful piece of granite for the bar-- it just gives this area a whole new feel. Counter installation takes place on August 27... and I can tell you who will be standing at the front door waiting for the truck to pull up! By this time, almost all should be done except the sinks and faucets that will follow the counters. Counter installation is when you can really feel the space come alive! This basement is my dream basement... and the house I live in is already incredible! At the Bucky Spec, I just love the huge recreational space off to the side, the 14-foot bar, and then the theater room across the way! As though I didn't already love everything about this house-- some of our design changes led to the theater room and this massive bar... I'll say, it is always worth taking a hard look at a design in case it can be improved upon because the design changes we made on this design are really impactful.

Last, I will say-- the master bathroom (another of my favorite spots) is coming along. If you've looked at photos above, you will get a feel for the Bucky master bath. The tile in the Bucky Spec is also a high gloss but it has a stone appearance with soft beige and gray colors. The shower will be white, the cabinetry is white and the counters are another type of quartz. That space has had quite a few design changes and I think we have found a fantastic compromise of keeping the master bath large and open, yet borrowing a bit of space to add a bank of shelves for the closet.

Downstairs bath...

Some of what I love...

This downstairs bathroom was the spot I decided to bring in some trending tile. I love this cheerful pattern and hope it makes someone who lives here happy too. The counter will again be a clean quartz (white with some thin black lines), and above, a white framed farm mirror will hang. Lastly, a pendant will hang from overhead to accent the sink and add interest. I love each bathroom, and in a week or so, I will have more to show you!

One last detail I wanted to share is a

photo of the barn doors which are incorporated in various spots throughout the house. I have said this before but it just means so much to me. Finding good people to work on these homes is ultimately a big part of makes them special. I found a craftsman who builds furniture to make our doors this time around. Cody's attention to detail in finishing these doors could not have been better. Everything is meticulously fit together and I am grateful to have found him! There are unfortunate times when at the end of a job, you must decide to sever ties with some subcontractors... In doing so, you find those especially talented ones who take a whole lot of pride in the work they put forward. I'm truly thankful to the hard working people who have brought their craft to this home. (:

It's hard to believe that in a few weeks this special house will be nearing completion. It's spot at the top of the hill was well worth the investment-- the views are spectacular and the house is wonderful. So I'll finish with sharing some photos of the views with exposures to the east, south, and southwest (;


The good and the bad (ultimately, it's all good)!

So the carpet was supposed to be installed and there was a misunderstanding from our flooring place-- instead, it's on back order! BUMMER! I love the carpet and while I could have gone with something else, I just can't! Not worth it. It should be in the first week of September--- just not worth taking a risk when I know I love the carpet we have on order. Good news? Counters arrived early! Not all of them but wow do I love what is here!

A quick peak at the kitchen progress (: I LOVE these quartz counters! They were a high grade quartz and I could not be more tickled to have gotten them! The gray veining is soft and subtle-- when the stainless appliances come in, everything will blend together beautifully. I also am very happy with the light fixtures so far. I cannot wait to get that paper off the floor!

Now this is very early on but I am so happy with the fireplace! Brad is our new painter and he has been fantastic to work with. I spoke to him about what I wanted for our mantel... that beautiful hand-hewn piece of barn wood. I cleaned it up and knew right away that I wanted it to have a wax type finish. It needed to pick up some of the colors from the floor and the island across the way. He had a product that he thought would work well and I decided to have him do the finish. WOW, he was able to get a warm finish without a shine-- I love it. Then, to make the fireplace even more exciting-- the stone guy came and began! It looks so pretty already!

It will be a SHOWSTOPPER!

Carefully protected are the white shelves and cabinets and the warm wood floors. Our Mason, Jose, said he plans to work through the weekend so it will be completed Sunday! Okay-- end of the day Saturday and it is NOT going to be done Sunday! Wow, stonework is tedious and time consuming! Jose stays until 8 pm every night-- putting in 12 hour days.... a lot of work is going into this fireplace! Tuesday the counters and then all we have is carpet and some minor finishes. Oh- landscape! How could I forget! I am just so excited about some of these indoor features, I have not yet been as caught up in the landscape (although the nursery is up and running at our house as I have quite a few plants waiting to head over for planting! So, even though we have a delay in getting the carpet installed (boo!), there is so much good happening that I cannot feel badly about a thing! It has been so wonderful to see the ideas on paper turn into livable space in this Bucky Spec. I love it. I simply love this house and I can't wait for the family who will love it to come and find it. Two weeks... just two weeks, and this place will be nearly complete if not complete. Woot, woot!

OH-- THE BAR!!! YES, 14 feet of pure bliss!

The photos just don't do it justice-- this space is incredible!

So last update is just a peak at the outside since we finally have the front doors stained! It is looking lovely!

Can't wait to plant!


Is there ever really a dull moment?

There is a reason someone coined the phrase, "so close and yet so far." Sometimes when building a spec home, it feels exactly like that phrase. The Bucky Spec was to be finished this week, ready for some open houses, let's get this show on the road, woot woot-- good stuff. And it's okay-- really. I learned the virtue of patience long ago when daughter number two came along. The best way to survive life is to just go with the flow! But still! UGH! I have a carpet I like that was to be installed TODAY but learned it did not arrive on the truck. I guess this doesn't happen often but once in a while-- a company just gets it wrong. So Shaw, my friends, is bumming me out. But, maybe it's not a bad thing?? Let me explain... I'm one of those people who will go to a restaurant and order the SAME thing every time I go. Eno Vino? Petit Filet. Original Pancake House? 2 eggs and a side of French toast. You get the idea... I NEVER vary. I know what I like and I don't want to be disappointed! So the carpet has already been delayed twice and I was already asked, "do you want to pick another?" Well, of course not! There are 100s of carpets but I want my "usual!" So-- today, after a second no-show, my appetite for getting the carpet installed was greater than for getting the same thing! So today, I decided, "I'll pick something else." Now wait for it...

Yep, I'm going Geyser!

So today I'm goin way out on the limb to go with the Geyser on the left instead! Good Lord! I could have carpeted 3 times by now but nooooo.... I want the usual! Meanwhile, the difference in carpets is indiscernible! We all have our idiosyncrasies and I could not help but laugh at myself over this one. So, while we now have to wait for Geyser until next week, at least it is in stock and is a sure thing. Apparently, the clam shell could not be guaranteed, so the "big" change is in. Good grief! I could have handled this one better! So, one more week delay but all else is looking great! And...the beams are in!

Meet Superhero Rod and Superhero Ryan: the world's best carpenters! They put these up and it was no easy task! I'm so grateful for their dedication to do the best work every day! I probably should have waited to get a new photo, because the appliances were installed this afternoon! Yay! And how wonderful to get that paper off the floors (minus the pesky dust from construction) (: I love seeing things come along at this stage. Each feature adds warmth and appeal which makes me fall more in love with the space. By about this time next week, I'll be able to share photos of Bucky's new "Geyser" carpet (; ~ J


The Good Stuff...

Building these homes is really ALL good. So many people I work with take so much pride in the work they do to build these beautiful homes and I am grateful to each of them. Now, as the home has been completed, I am happy to say the Bucky Spec is sold and closed. Again, I was blessed to meet the most lovely family who wanted this home. Mind you, they had looked for one and a half years, so I felt this was MEANT to be! SO excited! I wish them much joy and good health in this beautiful home-- I will close this build with a video I made (;


2405 Kilarney Way Waunakee, Wisconsin

Keep going...

In previous posts, I spoke of "building new beginnings" as somewhat of a metaphor-- to my life, to the buyers, and of course building. This year, our world has been turned on its head. All people have been impacted in some way, and many have been completely devastated. Right now, all I can think is "keep going." I was blessed beyond measure to travel to Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, and Florida with my daughters and to Mexico with Craig. All this in the first few months of the year! I knew it would be a year to remember, but little did I know that the reason I would remember the year would go beyond the exciting travel to more sinister circumstances. So, with that, and my heavy heart for all of those who are so horribly impacted by the pandemic, I "keep going," and I hope everyone finds hope and strength to do the same.

Above, is a mock-up of my newest build called the Frisbee Spec. I am out of dogs (Frisbee was the first dog I had) so if I continue to build-- I'll have to find a new naming system! This house is spectacular! For how I loved my previous builds, this one takes the cake. The house will be almost 5600 square feet upon completion and it has a huge screened porch out back. I spoke above about the difference between having a first and second child... I have not had a third... but if building this third house is any indication of how I would have documented my third child's life-- yikes! The house is already under roof and the siding is under way! I don't even have a photo of the progress to share. The home is a ranch with so much living space; I will select a few sections to post about first. I think I'll start in the master suite. The master suite has a pitched ceiling that will feature three white beams. In past houses, I have used barn wood for beams but the theme for this house is to be more contemporary. There are also glass doors leading out to a small private deck. Across from the sliding door is the opening where I will use sliding doors (minus the barn-style door). The doors will reflect the simple panel style door throughout the rest of the house. Beyond those doors, is a feature wall where a soaking tub will stand. I love designing master bathrooms. It is the one room in the house where I feel you can take "liberties" and go off the overall style a bit. I like my master bathrooms to look simple, yet elegant. So, as is my style, I will search out a smaller chandelier for the center of the room in front of the tub. Beyond the feature wall (you can walk in from either side) will be a walk-through shower with a rain head shower system. I added frosted windows inside each walk-through, so the shower will have some natural light. Last, but not least- there are his and her vanities across from the tub on each side of the door to the master. I am undecided on vanity color yet-- I haven't decided on any of the finishes yet. Hopefully I will get inspired when I head to the tile shop tomorrow morning! They are not open but will allow appointments where one person can come into the showroom at a time. I will have a lot to think about! I am a little anxious on this one because I have fallen in love with a tile store in Milwaukee where the tile prices are phenomenal, as is the selection. The place I am going is here in Madison and I hope it is a successful outing! The final huge feature in this master suite is the closet. Honestly, the size of a bedroom. The amount of space cannot disappoint. I'm looking forward to seeing how the space will layout when we have the closet guy come in to work his magic. I never thought I'd love a master suite more than the last two- but this one looks like it is going to be pretty special. This house looks like it will be pretty special! Tomorrow, I need to get some pictures! They poured concrete today and, of course it rained- so there is plastic draping across the front! But if not of the outside-- I can start to capture some of the indoor space! Fingers crossed for a rain-free day.


Good things...

This has, simply put, not been a fun year. As my friend said, "everyone has their story" this year. I'm glad to see some good things coming to fruition. This house, called the Frisbee Spec, is fondly named after my first ever sweet pup. The front doors still need to be stained but they need to be replaced first! I'm not sure why our lumber company has sent the wrong things out-- but so it seems to be the ongoing theme. In the past, I have been frustrated with subs who didn't show up... this house has had issues with materials- leading to even longer delays! Off topic, but you can see my Bucky Spec next door (:

So I'm not feeling very chatty-- but I do want to post the things that make me smile. I LOVE this house. It has a lovely layout with wide open spaces. The kitchen cabinets go all the way up to the 10 foot ceiling heigh, the prep area in the kitchen is massive, the island is massive-- just a big impact kitchen. Can't wait to get my kitchen pendants in! I am holding off because they are fabric and will get dusty- but they are big too. I should have called this the go big or go home house!

So pardon the mess... there is a 36 inch drop in stainless farm sink somewhere on the island (behind all of the boxes)! The cabinets on the back wall are painted White Dove by Benjamin Moore and the tile is marble. I love this stone because there is a hint of brown in it to compliment the wood. The custom wood hood, stained to match the island- will be installed today. Most appliances are from the GE Monogram line-- all stainless-- 48 inch fridge and 48 inch gas stove. I need to get over and spend some time bleaching the barn beam mantle so when I apply the wax, it will have a lighter color... I'm anxious to see how that works. I love rolling up my sleeves and trying new methods. More photos to come... ~J


So the outside is looking good! And inside... oh my gosh!

AHHHHH.... I LOVE this. Truly. To the left is a pantry. The right, you can see part of a large prep area with a window that opens to a beautiful screened porch. And the island! One word: massive. This is my dream kitchen. The 6 burners and griddle.... This is my favorite quartz and I love it all. There is a drawer style microwave in the island and the cabinets run all the way up to the ceiling at 10 feet. In the recessed ceiling, we are installing bead board. It looks so good. Unfortunately, that is now delayed because several boards were damaged. This is the house of material delays. One thing after the other. There is supposed to be a pot filler which was ordered back in MAY and do you see it above the stove? Noooooo.... Those are the two remaining items to be done in the kitchen! Oh wait-- the big pendant lights over the island! Again, materials! They have come damaged OVER and over and over (I could say this a couple of more times and it would not be an exaggeration) :/

Below is one of the two pendants that will hang above the island. It is 2 feet across the bottom. The frustrating thing is that I have ordered 6 of these trying to get one to arrive without a dent in the shade. It is CRAZY, I have to show you the last box I received trying to get a second shade without a dent!

Does it get any worse?

So this 3 month battle with just two pendants is another example of the materials war of 2020! But, I am more determined and will get the lights how I want them!


JUST BECAUSE THEY ASK doesn't mean you have to say yes...

You know, in keeping with the whole 2020 year from _______, I have to say, the beat goes on. Somehow, it just wants to stay icky... and we haven't even had the election yet!

So I have had a great deal of interest in the house. It has been great. August was completely dead and then lots of activity and enthusiasm. Prior to this month, I had a buyer who was trying to hammer out a negotiation. She was a realtor and the house would be for her and her family. It just wasn't good. It isn't hard to see how people operate when they are trying to negotiate. This person kept talking about things that didn't work for them (as though I can change that the mudroom entry is inside the garage rather than direct to the outdoors)? But honestly, it is part of the game, and I really dislike games. I am such a straight shooter-- and I don't want to make things harder for anyone- nor do I want someone to make things harder for me. I had another offer, but that negotiation process was not good. And I hate to break it to the folks that are working with this particular realtor-- she made me want to dig my heals in and not work with them. This house is priced at 168 dollars per square foot. That, around here, is a fantastic price. Most listings and comparables are around 200 and up. Add to that, we have 25,000 in appliances, a 40,000 dollar screened-in porch (which won't reflect in the square footage), a prime location (higher price paid for the location) in the neighborhood, and overall-- a tremendous house with a great value. So, basically, I feel right about the price and good about the fact that this house will sell. We have had families through for multiple showings, and negotiations for purchase-- AND, the house isn't finished! I list it when I break ground, so someone who might want to get in on the building process can select finishes. I certainly don't expect to have it sold during that build time. So in the next day or so, if we get our painter out to finish a bit, it will be ready to go! But honestly- why do people need to be icky? It makes me icky, and ultimately, it works against their cause. I have never had this on other builds. That is why I am chalking this up to 2020! I am about so much more than a transaction. I take so much pride in the homes and want to maintain a good relationship with the buyers moving forward. So-- I can only hope that 2020 finds a silver lining and the world rights itself. I hope to find a good buyer who will love this home as much as I do! <3

So now for my latest photos!

I'm still waiting for the door stain. I think I will do a happy dance right on the front porch the day the painter comes back and stains those! It's torture going by and seeing it all done except those darn doors! So first, is a photo of out newly finished wall and rail. Any area around the wall that is raw wood will be painted white and the caps on the newel posts will be stained along with the handrail. Lastly, the door color can be seen on the sample patch on the lower door near the rail.

So basically, those windows in the stairwell are door windows. The exterior design had the three French doors but I wanted to move the stairs to behind the pantry to get it out of the main living space. This left a door

up in the stairwell. My business partner, Robb, came up with the solution of putting in a shiplap feature wall. I could not be more thrilled! It worked beautifully with the metal railing and the industrial fan above. We have a touch more work to do on the stair rail, paint the wall and stain the door... I LOVE it!



So I've only had two children. I remember after my first was born... capturing every blink of her eyes on film. Then came my second. Not that she was deprived... but I would say the camera time cut back significantly! I never knew if I were to have a third child if I would get any photos at all! If it worked anything like my houses (which I feel are my babies), I now have my answer. My Daisy spec... every board that moved was photographed. With the Bucky Spec... I hadn't added a photo until months in, and now with the Frisbee spec, photos are being taken and added AS she's completed! So what have I learned? In the past, I was so excited about all I was learning during the building process and I shared some stories about processes. Now, while I still have much to learn, the process is less novel. Actually, this build held more lessons about interacting with people. I tend to be an introvert; I do like people and am super comfortable talking and interacting with them but I find I am content on my own! So this business of being around so many people, being on a job site, dealing with potential buyers... and realtors is a challenge for me! It is stretching my limits! Another thing I have learned has to do with costs. There are hardly any spec homes being built right now. And now that we are finalizing and reviewing our costs-- yikes! It is fine-- I am not driven by financial gain... but for anyone considering building right now-- don't do it! Not now. The costs are exorbitant! My business partner sold a different home a month or two ago and was going to rebuild it in another location only to find out the wood alone is 50,000 dollars more! Given the cost of materials-- I do not believe I could build this Frisbee Spec for what I am asking for it! So, I will most likely retreat to my life as a homebody for a long while and contemplate where I want to go next. This is likely my last build for a bit. I have learned to never say never-- but I sure am ready to have some alone time! And, if the house sits on the market for more than a minute (; I will move a bed and sofa over and just hang out. I LOVE THIS HOUSE! Now, if the painter could just get back over to finish the doors! (and a FEW more jobs)! I tried my luck at the video above and will add some more photos below.

Let the pictures begin...



I have thought back to this blog frequently over the last few weeks. I know myself. I know my usual demeanor, and I usually have a cheerful and positive attitude. When reflecting about this blog: I didn't like it. At least the more recent entries while building this last house. I know how I love this house... just look at it and tell me how I couldn't! It is spectacular. (If I don't say so myself!) (-; So the house is great, and yes, there were normal "building" issues, such as materials being sent incorrectly... but ultimately, no different than any other house. The issue, was me. I had a health problem that I didn't know about, and it's amazing how I could reflect on this blog and know that I wasn't myself and how poorly I was handling adversity. I had some challenges with a couple of realtors who reeeeeaaaalllly pushed my buttons... but normally, I can shrug that off. So two negotiations fell through-- but they just weren't meant to be. I wasn't upset that they didn't work out. Actually... I was somewhat relieved because the negotiation process was so unpleasant. I am feeling healthier and so much better, that now I feel ready to tackle life again. It's amazing how our physical health is so closely tied to our emotional health. So much so that even when we don't know that our physical health isn't right-- our emotional health can be revealing. So the house is done, except if you look up at that front door... you will see a missing door knob! Yes, Brunsells has sent the wrong handle TWICE. Like I said, it has been an "issue with materials" kind of year! But now, with my health back on course, it's not that big of a deal. The challenging people? I hope there are no more... but if there are, I think I am better equipped to shrug them off. Do you know one realtor entered negotiations on behalf of her clients thinking of "floating" an offer of 90,000 less than asking?! I don't know how any good agent who could enter negotiations and think that things will actually go well after insulting their counterpart from the onset. Well, THIS counterpart wasn't having it. I probably would have been so much more amenable to working with these clients had the realtor not ticked me off right out of the gate!

So today, I took a long walk in the cool crisp air and felt the weight of these past few months release. I am glad to be okay-- both physically and emotionally and am looking forward to new beginnings! How things have come full circle since my first entry, "Building New Beginnings." I think that is what it is all about-- whether it is after a difficult life experience, a life change, or if every day is tough... keep making new beginnings for yourself. I'm almost (let me emphasize the word almost!) glad I was set back so that I could reset. If you look at how I started the blog about this house-- I referred to it as "keep going." This year, my health, our world, just everything, put me in survival mode. Being able to go back to "new beginnings" is a wonderful feeling. So tomorrow is a new day and everything is good! I simply love the beautiful home that's almost complete ( ; Truly, it is my pride and joy. I may have to drag it across the finish line with all of my might to get the last few parts there and installed but it's almost there! Now, I can't wait to meet the people who will live there. With my last homes, I just had a gut feeling about the buyers the minute I met them. Interesting, they came in during open houses so I was able to meet them and watch them "take in" the houses. I don't know if I will have that privilege when this house meets its owners, but whoever they are, I hope they love it just as much as I do! Fingers crossed.

Until tomorrow~ J


Oh! Two cute, random stories completely unrelated to this house! My first home... will be in local commercials for a landscape/mulch company. The "exuberant" mom that I spoke of early on, messaged me to let me know. It is a wonderful feeling to see the homeowners take pride in these houses and make them their homes. The house looks just beautiful and it is because of all of the love they have put into it! And, I have to say... I am one of those grass fanatics. You know the ones that edges, bags, and cross cuts? I couldn't keep the lawn company we had hired almost 20 years ago because they use those mowers that don't leave the grass streamlined. So let me tell you how tickled I am that the Bucky Spec owner has, hands down, the best kept lawn I have ever seen! Be still my heart! (okay, a little much, but when you are a grass person like me, you really appreciate another grass person's efforts!) The other story goes back a bit and while I didn't think it was so cute when I found out but am glad the exuberant mother-to-be was laughing about it. I really had no idea that anyone, other than family and a few friends, would hop on this blog to see what was going on with the builds. So when I was chatting on about the expectant mother and her new beginnings, I had no idea that she hadn't told anyone else of their baby news! After the baby was born and I had stopped in to check on something, she shared the story of how her mom learned she was expecting. She told me how she had been considering ways she could let her family know (a reveal). So, here I am talking about this mother-to-be in my blog (which she didn't know). At the same time, she told her mom that I shared pictures in this blog and suggested she visit the site to check them out. Do I need to say how her "reveal" happened?!


I didn't realize how many visitors I get on the blog so I thought I'd take a minute to say hi and introduce myself. My name is Jean Magnes-- maiden name Westling. I grew up in the far north suburbs of Chicago in a town called Libertyville. My dad worked as an editor for the Chicago Tribune. He edited two sections in the paper, both home sections. I so wish he was here to see the homes I have built. He, like I, would want to move into each. My mom would love them as well. She was the decorator in the family. Really, my mom was amazing. She turned a room into a showcase with gathered items that most people would discard. Everything was done in shades of white. She took old croquet balls and painted each a slightly different shade of white to cream and set them in an old dough bowl on her English pine chest next to her down-filled, slip-covered white sofa. Vintage books, old toys, baskets for texture, were just a few things I remember she collected. Not too much-- but always interesting. I remember she had an old spice box-- actually, I have it sitting nearby. In each drawer, she tucked little trinkets. Some drawers were filled with quarters or other coins (: I just walked over to see what was in a drawer and there was a plastic wind-up Snoopy dog that jumps and a tiny deck of cards. Just the essence of my mom fills my heart. She was a collector of things that tickled her. She had binders of magazine pictures that inspired her and articles on how to clean just about everything. She was not a person to get bored as she always was hawking around for her next project. She and my dad were avid readers and they did all of their home projects together. I didn't grow up in the type of family that hired someone to come in and paint or fix things. I remember the day my dad left for work. My mom pushed our grand piano (by herself!) across the living room and tore out the entire, 36-foot-long room of carpet! She knew they had covered some beautiful wood floors under there and I think it was one of the only projects she tackled without my dad (because she knew he'd have nothing to do with it)! He came home to find the terrace loaded with rolled up carpet. My dad was so good natured. Not that he didn't have a hot temper, but he was a happy guy. I think of my folks a lot these days. I'm them now; I have become my parents!!! I have my two lovely girls and I often see myself through their eyes. I know where I get my determination from... the woman with the carpet! And I know my happy nature is from my dad. The girls see me as outspoken and opinionated. And, I am. They see someone who will stand up to anyone at anytime. Ties right into the outspoken and opinionated, doesn't it? In the long run, you might as well just agree with me because I rarely change my mind (; I have one sister, who is very special, indeed. We are different in almost every way... just like my girls. My sister lives down near where we were raised and I was lucky enough to get to renovate her house last year. I am a little "jelly" of her kitchen! She has way better appliances than we do! I also put in the sweetest pale gray and white concrete tile for her backsplash in her bright white kitchen. I am looking forward to a kitchen renovation at our house next year. I thought with all of the bad news 2020 has brought so far, I don't dare get involved with a kitchen remodel until 2021! So I come from a family of 4, and now have my own family of 4. Our home is filled with love. I am the "go to" in the family...that center spoke on a wheel. My phone never stops ringing. If it's not one daughter, it's the other (usually, it's the youngest though). If it's not the other, it's my oldest child-- my husband, Craig. I rarely get angry with the influx of calls because I feel needed every time the phone rings, and-- I feel loved. Something I really crave in life, however, is knowledge and growth. It doesn't matter what the topic is, I am curious by nature. I wish I were this way when I was young-- my grades would have been spectacular! I decided one day- years ago, that there isn't anything I can't do or learn if someone else can. This single decision has led me to install doors, tile, ceiling fans... the list is endless. I've had to give up some of the heavier projects as I now have two bum shoulders and two bum knees (I have to be kinder to my body). But that single decision is also the reason I have ventured into my current line of work. And what a feast it has been! New tools, trades, materials, processes... websites, blogs (which needs some improvement)! So much to do and learn when you start your own business. I really enjoy and take pride in these homes. This is not a "money thing" for me. So many do their jobs for the paycheck. Not that paychecks aren't important! But, feeling a sense of accomplishment, creating something that someone will enjoy-- the product, is so much more for me. I've been fortunate to be raised by people who worked hard and enjoyed the product. I've been equally as fortunate to marry this wonderful guy who is happy to see me be happy. Although he is a person who does not enjoy doing projects together, as my parents did, he is supportive of my shenanigans! Thus, my learning to install doors and ceiling fans? And last, I've been blessed beyond measure to be mom to my two girls. Pretty simple, who I am. Just a person who has been blessed with a wonderful family and who made a decision that if "they can do it, so can I."

I'm still waiting for the right family to come love the Frisbee Spec. The house is a dream. I didn't think it was possible to love a house better than the last... and that better than the last. I'm not a fickle sort of person, but each house has truly won my heart so when it comes to picking my favorite, I guess I am fickle. To those who visit my page that aren't my family or friends, it's nice to meet you. I apologize if there are typos. I am usually pretty persnickety about details, but I am also a night owl (current hour 1:40 am) who's eyes are blurred over as I putz into the wee hours of the morning. Thanks for indulging me while I reminisce about my family and days gone by. Looking at those who've inspired and loved me are a big part of who I am . ~j



I am so happy to have found an amazing family to buy this house. This was an effort, much like the entirety of 2020. I had multiple buyers and contracts but getting this big guy to close was not easy. This is a nice sized family that will fill this home with love. I wish them all the best as they move (quite literally) along life's journey! And I hope this home and town creates a happy space in their hearts.

For me, I am stepping back from building spec homes for a bit. Wood prices are painfully high and driving building costs into a restrictive place. I have been looking at a custom build for the past couple of weeks, so that may be in the works-- but otherwise, this years project will be a renovation of my own home. We plan to put wood flooring throughout, do a kitchen renovation and a remodel of the front entryway. I'm very excited to get this remodel underway and I hope we can find a dream lot to fit the home for the new clients. There are very few lots left where I built the last few homes so we are exploring options and plans. One thing I've learned in the last few years is to keep the mindset: "to be determined!" Just when you think you know where you are going or what you are doing in life-- be prepared for something else. In the mean time, I reflect on this experience as simply amazing. If you know me, you know I am a home-girl. I love everything home. From form to function, home is a place to be comfortable and happy. It has been a wonderful experience to create great spaces for others to call home. If I have new homes to share, I'll be back. Otherwise, thanks for sharing this experience. ~J



Through the front door, for the last twenty years, our lives have unfolded. I never realized how bad I've been about taking photos of this place until I decided to find one to post! I love this home in all of it's glorious yellow. I've never grown tired of it nor wished for a moment to live elsewhere. I'll never forget the day Craig and I came to town to look for a house and were having trouble finding "the one." This was the last house we had on our list and while there were many nice homes, none had tickled our fancy. It was almost like meeting my second born. Sydney came out with hair stuck down her forehead, a red blotch between her eyes, and just looked "funny." She grew into a beautiful baby, but at first glance... well, I'll leave that alone! This house had somewhat of the same affect. We pulled up and the builder had two plastic planters with a awful bright green plants set within. The house didn't have a lot of landscape and just looked like it had been misplaced-- like from Florida. Craig and I walked in the front doors, and he gave me a swift nudge with his elbow and I knew we were home. We loved this house. The original floors were (are) blonde maple. The walls were builder white and the house had a more formal feel than where we had previously lived, but it was yummy. We immediately put our mark on the house and began nesting. I think the counters were originally Corian, but Craig, the granite king, wasn't having them. We had our friend come down and install a granite full of golden and brown colors. I put my mark on the walls; as though there wasn't enough yellow outside, I painted the entire interior various shades of yellow. Actually, buttercream. Buttercream is my favorite color. It will always be my favorite color. But this time round, when we redo it, we are painting the entire interior white. White dove to be exact. White dove is not a pure bright white but it does not really have any yellow in it either. I've used it on cabinetry in the last couple of builds and have been happy with it. I'm not sure if it is "it" for me yet. I'm having trouble WARMING to it (:

So to date, we have torn out all of the carpet on the second floor. And, when Craig wasn't looking, I directed my contractor, and now friend, Nick, to rip out the guest-bath tile and the laundry-room tile. Ahhhh! I would be such a happy girl if I could only get my hands on that master bath-- but it was redone about 8 years ago and I know I'd be up a creek without a paddle if I dared. We put Bravone wood flooring in by Duchateau. I am completely loving it. There is no yellow, and there is no red. Just shades of brown with a hint of grey. All of the upstairs, other than bathrooms and laundry, now have the wood flooring. Craig thought I was crazy to want wood upstairs, but it was such a great choice! So glad to say goodbye to the 20 year old carpet!!! Did I say it was (and I mean WAS) white carpet? Yep-- two kids, several dogs, and Craig and I have done a number on that carpet! I'll never forget the day I reached the top of the stairs with an entire can of paint in my hands. The can tumbled forward out of my grip, and in slow motion (kidding), flew into the air, crash landed on the corner of the top where the seal held the paint inside. Did it hold? Oh, heck no. The ENTIRE gallon of paint proceeded to pour (I believe I heard a "glugging" sound) all over the carpet . Ugh. So, carpet be gone! I have some new light fixtures on order for the bathrooms, and am on the search for curtains (Pottery Barn, here we come!) And tomorrow, Nick will hopefully arrive with Austin and Ethan to begin demo of the staircase and the mudroom on the main floor. The house has a unique entry with unusual angles. The entry is quite tall and the stairs are not exposed (I have got to snap a picture early tomorrow! I am changing this design so there will be a straight shot upstairs and no more half walls! The space will be open with black railing so better look through to the piano room and the overall stair structure. Photos will explain it all! That's why they say a picture's worth a thousand words! The mudroom is a part of our addition. Ah, the controversial addition we put on our house about 10 years ago. What should have been such a happy experience turned into a neighborhood-wide fiasco. People really don't like change and when you live in a neighborhood, people talk! Oh, and, the song, "this land is my land, this land is your land" by Woody Guthrie can be taken quite literally! Not fun! Anyway, I guess I should add that the house, once more of a box shape now had an elongated arm where we opened into the garage to create a big family room, mudroom, butler's pantry, AND, "B." We have 1713A and 1713B (; Craig has really never been welcome to have a space in the house where he could decorate. I guess you could say I've been a bit hoggish about it. (Thus the ripping out of the bathrooms since I previously allowed him to pick the tile???) It's just better in the long run for all involved to let me do the picking, or eventually, it will come back to bite you, you know where (the wallet)! But "B," the area above the garage, became ALL Craig's. It gained the name, "B" because Craig loved it so much that he wanted to move into that area of the house and we discussed how he could get Susie to deliver his mail to him separately! So, "B" was born. It is like nothing you have ever seen or could imagine. It is man-heaven. Another reason he does not get free-reign in decorating the main house!

(I will reserve this space for photos of the stairs... and then we'll talk main floor!)

We are pulling all of the flooring out. And here after all of these years, light, wood flooring is making a comeback! (But not the skinny 3-inch plank style!) It is pretty but dated.

For the cherry on top, the kitchen will be renovated! For this, I am pee-my-pants excited! I am opening a doorway into a nice wide opening between the kitchen and the dining room and removing a pantry so from the front entry, you will almost have a complete open view to the back of the house. I am also taking out a closet/bank of cabinets that create a hall and turning that area into one big island. To do all of this, we had to have engineers help us shift support walls and put in a huge steel support in the ceiling. I hope it will look okay because that will intrude into the space (ceiling) and we will drywall around it. But-- I am getting the open space and big island I had hoped for!! We are bringing in a gas line for a new gas stove and installing new appliances (like I cook)!!! AND we are putting a combo kitchen table/work space where there is currently a kitchen table. This will be finished like the rest of the kitchen so it all ties together. It is just like building a new home, in that, you see it all so clearly in your mind-- but are not always sure how it will really look once it's done.

So for this year, no home building for me. The Frisbee Spec was a stressful experience for me. The year brought different challenges to everyone, taking different types of tolls along the way. Building costs (while you get bids), may change (unless you order immediately)... and almost everyone heard of the skyrocketing costs of wood (and other building materials). There were also delays on materials. Lastly, I had some buyers that were not so much fun to deal with. Not the buyers who ultimately bought the house were wonderful! Ultimately, it was not my favorite experience so I've decided to take a hiatus and maybe reevaluate what to do next. Materials costs are coming down so that is good news! One of the great parts of life is that you can route and reroute as you go (I guess if you're lucky).

So for now, I'm basking in JUNK-- as I clear out all of my carefully packed hiding spaces so the flooring guys can actually FIND the floors to replace them! I have gone through every paper clip and hair pin.... I am now in the supply closet emptying old sunscreens, lotions, aloe products, floor waxes and cleaners-- and have all of the junk moved in next to my spot in the hearth room. It is amazing how much you can accumulate over the years. Shameful and embarrassing actually. I'll be glad to look put together for at least a year or two after this! I won't dread someone stopping by and getting an up-and-close look at my over-abundance of everything! I might even invite some neighbors over and tell them to go look in my closets! For safety reasons, closet opening has been strictly prohibited :/

So, I'll close for now and put a few more photos up to show the progress. Oh, I can add one of Lexi's room that shows the new flooring (: BRB!

Don't mind the rag over on the table-- this was just a quick snap to send to the kids! Loving the floors and excited to continue our journey of nesting. There was a short period during my last build when we thought perhaps moving into that house would be good. The thought of packing, and leaving behind our home steered us in a different direction (you know the route and reroute thing I mentioned above?). So we stayed on course and while there are groans and moans each day with the work involved-- I am thoroughly in love with the process of recreating our "nest" once again!

I'll never forget when I met Craig. I came from a home where my mom up and ripped out the carpet after my dad drove off to work! She knew there was wood under there and she wanted it! At his house, on the other hand, they still had the same orange, shag carpet in the family room from when they bought the house. I wonder what life would be like if I could just leave things be? I can't decide if it's a curse or a blessing. Some people paint a picture, love it and enjoy it their whole life. Others seem to thrive on creating a new canvas! Obviously I fall in the second category. I do hope that this will be it for the major stuff though-- as it is my sincerest wish to never clean out an overpacked closet, nook, or any other cranny (under the sofa, behind the sofa, behind the end of the dining table where I think no one can really see!) I dream of simpler living-- and I hope with this project and the hard work it has brought, I will find it.

Until soon,



I was spending some time on here reading and reminiscing. I hadn't remembered writing about our renovations at the end. My heart caught when I called our contractor a friend. 2021 turned out to be yet another year of learning about people. I'll just say this: our house, all of this time later, is far from complete and we have hired an attorney. The person I had considered a "friend," actually turned out to be dishonest-- and after a review of his past, I learned he has a history of dishonesty and was found guilty of similar offenses. My house is far from finished, and living in it is a daily reminder of how we were conned. I look back regretting I did not hire my regular people; it was not that I did not want to-- everyone was, and continues to be, so busy-- and the wait would have been so long. This person I hired had worked in two of the houses and I thought he'd be good. Little did I know. Back in November, I should have known when he asked for a large draw, and the tools were taken from the house-- I should have known we were in trouble. I should have known months before then when he was a constant no show- sometimes with excuses and sometimes with none at all. I should have known when he put someone else in to do work that he himself promised to do. That is the sad part of being a victim. The victim tends to look inward-- how could I have prevented this? Unfortunately, bad people will victimize people. If you trust the wrong person and choose to believe in them- you are vulnerable. So, here we are, almost a year later, in a mess-- both literally and figuratively. And, I will just say that the wheels of justice turn s l o w l y . . . you have to have a stomach for this new rabbit hole as there is no easy way through the process. One exciting piece of news was received this morning: my range is being delivered tomorrow! I don't have my vent installed (nor fan) but it is a positive step, a ray of light breaking through the dark clouds (:

Additionally, I am building again this year. I will begin my search for a two story floor plan. Pickings are slimmer for good lots so finding any large, sprawling hunk of land is unlikely. As became my mantra last year, I'll say this now: Keep on going. I have spent a few months pouting and adhering to the inside of my home... not wanting to venture forward lest I feel further hurt in our currently unrecognizeable world. But, eventually, you have to keep going. I heard something that really struck a chord in me the other day. I know I will butcher it- but it said something to the affect, "it is not for us to ask how; we are to have have faith and then wait." I am not asking how things will be be okay again... I am not asking how things will be fixed. I am having faith in the Lord and I will wait for Him to find the remedy. That does not equal inaction-- just a peace in knowing that things will be okay. So- I guess I'll be looking for land and plans. I can't deny there is a hint of excitement hanging over me. Not only do you have to keep going-- but sometimes you even have some new beginnings (: Here's to a new year and a new build.


Final thoughts...

I have not built again- and I'm not sure that I will. I don't think I would have added to this blog, but today was a significant day regarding my later post. We ultimately won a settlement against the person who I mentioned above, and after giving him the opportunity "to cure," only to have him never return (again)... we hired another individual to come in and clean up after him (completely tore out a lot of what was incorrectly done) and more. I am truly grateful that we can afford what was done to us. Our settlement amount (to date) is near one-hundred thousand dollars (given penalties and interest). If it were up to me, I would go the same route again... but a note of warning about "hiring an attorney" and "suing" people. Even though you are in the right and may have a successful judgement... justice does not always the result. This person will walk away, being able to do what he has, and never pay the judgement. Due to bankrupcy laws- people can freely (pardon my pun) shirk their responsiblitlies. Unlike the days of old, when there was debtor's prison... Again, it is all behind us now... we have our family, our health, our lovely home is now whole and complete. I am grateful for the honest and hard earned successes we have had- we are fine! It is a horrible feeling to learn you are conned... to believe in another person, only to be blind-sided. I will say this-- I could not sleep at night doing this to other people. We need a world where God leads our way... a world of honesty and integrity prevails. While the person may not have to pay the judgement, and I believe justice will not be served... I look to what I am grateful for and I remember, Romans 12:19: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

So many lessons I continue to learn, no matter how old I am! I am grateful, not just for the good, but for the bad. I'm not at all sure where God will take me next-- but I do know I am looking for a more simple existence. I pray God's blessings upon all who have taken the time to visit my page--

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